4 de abril de 2008

Energia Renovável - Sol

The Solar Mission Project is the realisation of large-scale clean green renewable energy generation from the world’s first 200MW solar thermal power station using innovative Solar Tower technology.

One 200MW power station will provide enough electricity to around 200,000 typical Australian households and will abate over 900,000 tonnes of greenhouse producing gases from entering the environment annually.

The monolithic scale of the project is sure to attract world attention and add value to the construction of the power station through tourism and associated economic benefits.

Projeto australiano Enviromission - TORRE SOLAR

The Prototype

Solar Tower technology has been tested and proven with a successful small-scale pilot plant constructed in Manzanares Spain. The pilot project was the result of collaboration between the Spanish Government and the German designers, Schlaich Bergermann and Partner.

The plant operated for seven years between 1982 and 1989, and consistently generated 50kW output of green energy.

The pilot plant conclusively proved the concept works and provided data for design modifications to achieve greater commercial and economic benefits associated with an increased scale of economy.

Escala piloto na Espanha:

Mais sobre o projeto: Enviromission - TORRE SOLAR

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